Trina Solar and UL have announced the latest study report on the CAPEX and LCOE of the modules <a href="/en-apac/http://www.sdtdcq.com/en-apac/resources/blog/wed-03172021-1806">210... and 182-540W with different wafer sizes. The report is based on a simulated PV system with a DC capacity of 125MW at two different project locations UAE and Australia.</p>
With the launch of its 670W+ ultra-high-power modules in March 2021, Trina Solar led the industry into the 600W+ era and unleashed the full value of 210mm technology, bringing with it a sharp boost in PV efficiency and a decrease in LCOE. Cumulative global shipments of Trina Solar’s 210mm modules now exceed 16GW.</p>
TrinaTracker, a leading tracker manufacturer and business unit of Trina Solar Co., Ltd. (SHA:688599), launches its patented "Trina Smart Cloud", a unique intelligent monitoring and control tracking solution that leads to intelligent Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the PV station.</p>